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Prospective Parents 2024-2025

Welcome to our new intake September 2024 page. Prospective parents/carers can find useful information about Catshill Middle School on the website. We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Catshill Middle School, and we hope you find everything you need on this page, before joining us in September. 

Please be aware that Catshill Middle School is a Local Authority maintained school, which means Worcestershire County Council is responsible for all admission arrangements for this school. This might be different to other local schools who are academies and, therefore, responsible for their own admission arrangements. For further information regarding the current admissions process (beyond what is on our website) please contact Worcestershire County Council.

If you have any questions about our school, please email [email protected] and we will be pleased to help you.

For day to day updates, please visit our school social media. We are so proud of our students and celebrate their success as much as we can, and we use our social media as much as we can to give an insight into daily life at Catshill!







When will I find out which class I am in?

This will be on the year 5 transition day in September. All new year 5 pupils, will have a transition day, before the rest of the school return after the summer holidays. We find this helps our new pupils find their feet, and they enjoy having the school to themselves! 

What happens if I get lost? 

Firstly, do not worry! It's a big change starting a new school, and it takes time to learn where all the classrooms are. Your teachers will help show you where to go and there will always be pupils and members of staff to ask. 

What do I need to bring to school? 

For a full list including information on uniform, please refer to our prospectus.

Where do I go on the first day? 

On the first day of school, please go to the playground where your teachers will be waiting to welcome you. Gates open at 8.30am and the bell rings at 8.45am. 

What do I eat for lunch? 

At lunchtime, you have the choice of bringing your own packed lunch, or purchasing one from the school canteen in the main hall. We have a variety of options, and they will always include a sandwich, a hot meal and a vegetarian option. 

Most FAQ from 2023 parents.